3 common electric cooktop problems and how to fix them

The kitchen can be the center of all the fun in the house but it can also be the cause for a few headaches, here are simple ways you can fix 3 common electric cooktop problems you can encounter. 

So you were trying a new summer recipe or just making a cup of tea and your cooktop stopped working or maybe it didn’t start, don’t worry we have your back! 

It won’t turn on

One of the most common electric cooktop problems and a big one because you cant cook if your kitchen doesn’t turn on. 

What can you do? 

Check if your kitchen is plugged in, check that your outlet is working and your electrical systems are alright. 

If this is not the problem then it’s probably something internal and you’ll need to call an expert

Coils are not heating up

This could be caused by a faulty connection between coil and power, here’s how you can fix this common problem:

  • Clean the coils
  • Check that the coils are set properly 

If that doesn’t work, call Maydone! 

Cooktop light doesn’t work

You could be having problems with your control switch or the light bulbs, the last one can be easily replaced. 

For the control switch, you might need professional help. 

Here are a few other basic tips when dealing with appliances problems

  • Turn the appliance off 
  • Check for damages or loose parts 
  • Go to your appliance manual for help 
  • Ask online forums
  • Call a professional if it seems too complicated

What is the best washer and dryer combination for your home

There are always doubts when choosing new or renovating appliances, so let’s discover what is the best washing machine dryer combination for you home, right here. 

Getting a washer and dryer is a big investment and an important one for any home because you want it to last, get the job done without issues. 

There is a lot to consider to make sure the choice fits physically and logically to your needs, space, and home. 

Here’s what to consider when choosing your washer and dryer combination

All-in-one vs Washer Dryer Combo  

Space is one of the biggest issues for most people, if you live in a small space consider getting an all-in-one washer and dryer option. 

Take measurements, imagine the comfort, and use issues when scoping out choices. 

Is it manageable, will it take too much room from other things, because you can save space and still get functionality by asking yourself all of these before buying? 

Front vs Top Load 

This one is all about comfort and easy use, we suggest you test it out in person because it’s the only real way to know. 

A big aspect to consider because you don’t want to have to reach uncomfortably for your clothes on every wash.

Remember the washer and dryer has to work for you and washing is already one of the most hated chores in the home.  

Features vs More Features 

This is up to personal taste, what rocks your washing: high tech, eco-friendly, cool looks, etc. 

There’s plenty of choices available, get the one that makes sense for your home in the long run and call Maydone to install it. 

Stackable vs Side by Side 

One of the most significant choices you make at the time of purchasing. 

It comes down to what fits in the space you have for the washer dryer combo, that’s it. 

Does it fit? Look good? Is it easy to access? Answer these affirmatively and you’re done!

Meet the Washer and Dryer Combo Experts 

Maydone is here for your washer dryer needs, call today!

3 tips to use your Air Conditioner more efficiently this summer

The heat is going to hit close so you better be prepared, check out these 5 tips your Air Conditioner can more efficiently in the summer. 

Summer is one the most fun seasons of the year…if you take out the heat waves, and the AC energy spending. 

Make some small but significant changes that will help you with heat, bills.

It can also make your cool summer eco-friendly. 

Keep you AC clean 

A well maintained Air Conditioner is a game-changer for performance and expenses. 

Clean AC runs better because it has more power since it doesn’t need to fight with debris or dirt to get the cold air out. 

What do you need to look out for? A clean filter, unit, and home, since the dirt in your home also goes into your AC unit. 

Keep it sealed 

Because you want your air conditioner to cool the inside of your home it makes sense to keep it as tightly closed as possible. 

How does this help? It keeps the cool air in and the heat out, simple as that. 

So, check your door and window seal to make sure everything is secure.

You can add isolation or close off rooms to increase the effect. 

Keep it close

This one is for the Air Conditioner units that can be individually controlled. 

Take your AC power with you, where you need it, and shut it off where you don’t.

This saves energy and gives you more power. 

Use as needed is the best advice to save on energy, and make your Air Conditioner work for you. 

If you don’t have an AC unit yet, check out our guide to picking the perfect Air Conditioner.

And call Maydone for AC repairs 24/ or installation. 

Enjoy your summer! 

How to fix 3 common dishwasher problems

The dishwasher is one of the greatest appliances available at home, it saves time and hassle with the cleanup.

With any machine, you may run into some issues because of that here are some easy fixes for 3 of the most common dishwasher problems. 

Dishes not fully clean after a wash 

This dishwasher problem can have you washing the dishes all over again, so here’s what you can do. 

First thing first.

Check if you are using your dishwasher properly:

Loading to capacity, in the right spots (check your dishwashers’ manual for more instructions), and using the best soap/settings. 


Clean your dishwasher, because we use this appliance to wash we forget that it needs to be cleaned as well. 


Check for residue on the strain screen, door gasket, and spray arms.

You can also run the dishwasher to clean itself with hot water, vinegar, and lemon mix. 

Leaky dishwasher 

This is one of the dishwasher problem can leave your kitchen a mess with every wash. 

Start by looking at the doors and door gasket of the dishwasher for damages or blockage stopping the door from closing. 

If you find rips on the gasket, replace it and the problem should go away. 

Also, your float switch (the one that tells you the dishwasher water level) could be stuck on down, causing overfills, and leaks.

If this is the case try to clean the obstruction so it functions properly. 

Dishwasher doesn’t dry dishes 

Another one of those dishwasher problems nobody wants to deal with so here’s how to fix it quickly.

Wet dishes are usually caused by the dishwasher heating element.

Look at your manual to find and check the high-limit thermostat.

This prevents your appliance from getting too hot, and if it isn’t working right it can make the heat turn off before drying is complete. 

Extra tip: The high-limit thermostat is at the bottom of the dishwasher in most models and you can use a multimeter to check if it’s working. 

If these don’t work 

Call Maydone for professional help, 24/7 emergency repairs and installations, we work with all kinds of brands and give you $30off your first call! 

How to fix three common Air Conditioner problems

The heat is getting closer and closer, so Maydone is here to help you keep your home cool with some top tips on how to fix three common Air Conditioner problems.

Increasing heat will make your AC unit work harder, because of this you need to be on the lookout for the little things that can put a damper on your unit. 

These few tips can put your Air Conditioner back on track and cooling your home or business.

If nothing works and you have to look for a new one we can also help you choose

Not cool enough 

This is the big one, what is an AC without the cooling? A problem!

Good news is…there are plenty of things you can try to do to help your unit do its job better 

  • Clean the vents where the air flows from 
  • Change or clean the filter of the AC unit 
  • If your AC unit gets hit with a lot of sunlight, move it to a shadier place or provide shade so it can work without the heat of the sun.
  • Check your thermostat and settings 
  • Have a look in your owners manual to check for more tips

Warm air leaking in 

Your air conditioner won’t have an easy job if it has to fight against warm air in the home because it will be working double time.

To avoid this check that your windows and doors to the outside are closed when the AC is on, you’ll also save on energy. 

For window AC unit you need to check its seals, if you notice the hot air is coming from there you can try to it with weatherstripping. 

Weird noises or smells 

Because the strange nooses can come from things coming loose inside the unit, you need to look inside.

If anything is stuck in there, see if you can safely remove it. 

If you smell something funny in your air, open the unit up, clean it out, and change your filters. 

Keep pets away from the AC to avoid those types of smelly accidents. 

You can even make your own air freshener for your air conditioner. 

Now you are ready to enjoy cooling down 

These tips will aid you to keep a cool home,

If you need professional help Maydone is here for you! 

For 24/7 repairs and installations, just call us +1 (647)-558-5825| +1 (888) 513-0052

The benefits of getting a smart refrigerator

Technology has changed everything,  including kitchens, now you can get an appliance to help with daily tasks, so what are the top benefits of getting a smart refrigerator over other options. 

Now what you have 

Smart refrigerators use technology to keep track of what’s stored inside them, so they have a list of the things you have available to you. 

The perfect shopping list 

Because these smart appliances know what is stored inside them so do you, that means you can make a list of what you really need.

You can also set reminders for yourself, or ask the smart operating system to do it for you. 

Search for recipes and save them 

With a smart fridge, you can look up recipes, save the ingredients to a shopping list.

Getting you cooking faster and conveniently. 

Call for maintenance on time 

A smart refrigerator can alert you on when it is time to change filters, or call Maydone for maintenance.

It warns you to avoid emergencies, getting the help you need in time. 

Have fun in the kitchen 

Added to all the practical tools like list-making, being able to leave notes on the screen, you can also watch TV on them, display pictures, and more fun things! 

Should you get a smart refrigerator for your home?

Right now, you are probably going to have to pick between LG, Samsung, Kenmore, or GE smart models and they can be pricey. 

Bottom line is, invest in a smart refrigerator if you feel like you can make the most out of it.

They are a very fun and versatile addition to your home!

5 things to know when using a gas stove

Gas stoves have been one of the most popular cooking options for decades, if you have made the same decision, you should read up this list of 5 things to know about using a gas stove! 

Many professional kitchens still choose these kinds of stoves because of their heat capability, power and sturdiness, there are also a good investment for any home.

They work with natural gas or propane

These types of stoves world with two kinds of gases: natural or propane. Your home could be adapted to receive it or you can get it independently. 

This is pretty basic but important information to keep in mind, while most ranges can work with the two options or will offer a conversion adapter to make it work, it will serve you well to remember in case of repairs or refills. 

Gas can also be a cheaper alternative for those looking to save more while cooking!

Gas has a particular smell

All gas supplies come with an added sent so that the user can easily identify it and shut it off.  

For new gas stove, users its is important to learn to recognize this smell, keep the gas stove away from the reach of kids and be mindful of the safety precautions, you can also get a gas detection system for extra safety.  

You’ll get more heat, faster 

A big one to remember when cooking, whatever you put on the flame of a gas stove will get hot fast, way faster than electric stoves. 

Gas stoves are more direct because the heat is coming from the flame, while electric stoves have to heat the burners before moving on to whatever is in contact with them. 

It makes sense that big kitchens go for gas stoves, and maybe if you are an avid chef or cook a lot, this can also be the best choice for you. 

Extra knowledge

When the stove is off so is the heat, no residual heat to keep things warm or cooking if you shut off the gas. 

Always be aware of the flame 

Not only does it heat things faster than an electric store it can also be more dangerous. With other kinds of stoves, a misplaced item can take a while to burn. 

Create an organized kitchen space so you don’t put anything near the flame that doesn’t have to be there, leaving you free to enjoy your cooking. 

Keep it clean

Cooking can mean spills, splatter and more, but for the sake of your stove and your safety ist best to keep it as clean as possible. 

Here’s the thing any residue left near the flame of the stove could catch fire and become a hazard for your home. 

For all your gas stove repair or installation needs, you can call Maydone

How to choose (and install) the perfect TV for your home

Having the right TV has become more important because of the need to pass the days inside.

So it’s about time you learn the basics of how to choose (and install) the perfect TV for your home.

A good TV can complement your interior design and of course become the center of attention for the whole family.

To choose a good TV for your home you must be clear on your needs, there really seems to be no limits on TV prices/characteristics, so its good to know where you stand.

What kind of TV is right for your needs? 

The most bang for your buck 

We are talking about good price/quality relations.

To start you can go for the LG OLEDB9P series one of the most affordable high-end models out there.

OLED TVs are at the top of quality at the moment but they tend to be on the expensive side, so it’s a great choice is you want to upgrade without breaking the bank. 

Also, consider the TCL 6-Series offering one of the best image quality to price tag ratio and it comes with the praised Roku TV system. 

Gamers paradise 

Both for avid and amateur gamers alike a move up to something like a Samsung Q70R QLED TV Series will make all the difference. 

Knowing how to choose the right TV will elevate your game skills and plainly just make you enjoy it more.

For binge-watchers 

The couch masters that can sit through a series a day know that picture quality and sound can change the whole experience.

A TV like the Sony A9G Master Series OLED with its Netflix calibration mode will be the thing of dreams.

Other things to remember

  • Check out the TV model online  
  • Choose the right size TV for your home 
  • Read the reviews 

When you install your TV 

Call Maydone for professional installation!

How to deep clean your washing machine

You rely on it to keep your clothes, towels and more clean so it makes sense that now that you have time at home, you would try to figure out how to deep clean your washing machine

It is a simple process with a few steps to follow, and you can pick and choose what to do when you feel like it.

The more tedious task you can leave for every once in a while, and things like running a cleaning cycle should be more common, in order to keep your machine, and what you wash, clean and smelling good!

Ok, let’s get started on deep cleaning your washing machine:

Detergent Drawer 

Now, this is one piece of the washing machine that doesn’t get a lot of attention, but it can get really dirty if ignored.

The drawer can accumulate detergent residue that you should eliminate for a deep clean feel, you can do so by extracting the drawer (if you can) and soaking it in warm water and rinsing, if you can’t extract it try cleaning it with warm water and a cloth.


There’s a lot of touching and contact with the door and latch of the washing machine, clean both inside and out with vinegar/lemon mix or your choice of cleaner. 

Rubber gaskets

A big one that often gets forgotten, the rubber gaskets that hold the drum to the door can become smelly or gunky from the water/detergent mix. 

For a deep clean you should scrub them thoroughly and let dry, it will help keep the mold at bay and your laundry loads fresh.


It’s the biggest part of the machines and one of the easiest to clean, you can do it with warm water, your choice of cleaner and a cloth or run a cycle with vinegar DIY mix or machine cleaner. 

Extra tip:

Always air out the drum after a wash to avoid moldy build-up or smells.

Clean or empty the filter

Most washing machines have a lint filter, look at your instruction manual and follow the guide on how to clean or change your filter, it will keep your laundry free of lint and give you that deep clean you want.

Extra tip: 

Set reminders on your phone for when you need to repeat any of these, that way it won’t be months before you deep clean your washing machine again. 

And if you need help installing or fixing something with your washing machine you can always count on Maydone! 

Easy appliance projects to do while isolating

Suddenly, we all find ourselves with a lot of time to spend at home and running out of ideas on how to spend that time.

What can you do that’s easy, and can even help out around your home? Well, you can take on some easy appliance projects to do while isolating.

Practicing social distancing can take a toll on our moods, one of the best remedies for this is finding something useful to keep ourselves busy.

So, from us at Maydone thanks for doing your part and here are some easy projects to keep you occupied and maybe give your appliances a boost! 

Give your fridge a makeover clean 

Stocking up is super important for having your home ready for isolation, cleaning your fridge should be at the top of this list, beacuse it will make storing your food way easier.

Arrange food by types, and expiration dates, that way you won’t waste anything. Organizing also helps your fridge work with more energy efficiency. 

Get rid of frost in your freezer 

Scrapping the ice from the freezer is going to: give you more space for food, improve freezing, energy spending, prevent freeze bites on your food and help it stay good for longer, so basically all the things you want your freezer to do, especially when you are in isolation mode.

All you need to do is empty the freezer, scrape the ice or let it melt and organize your food again.

Clean your small appliances 

Use hot water, soap or maybe a mix of vinegar and lemon, whatever suits you and get to work.

Because there are plenty of everyday things we forget to regularly, try to clean what you wouldn’t usually. A gentle simple cloth clean up should suffice. You can also run your dishwasher through an empty cycle with vinegar. 

Pay attention to your washer and dryer

A simple empty cycle will clean your washing machine drum, or maybe you can fix the position to avoid a “dancing washer”, you could also clean the filters or water pumps.

For your dryer, you can clean the drum by spraying some vinegar water mix on the inside and wiping down with a microfiber cloth, that way you get rid of softener or drying sheet residue, and don’t forget to clean the lint filter or trap.

Change air filters  

If you have them available or can get them safely delivered this one might be a good isolation project to embark on. It’s really simple to do and can provide better air quality in the coming weeks you’ll have to spend at home.

We are still here for you!

If you find your appliances need a professional hand give us a call.

Maydone is still working and helping out, keeping things in your home running so that isolation is easier to handle!