The pros and cons of getting a refrigerator with an external water dispenser

A new refrigerator means a hefty investment for any homeowner. The more advanced and high-tech refrigerators have become the more expensive they’ve gotten. So, you must take into consideration all extra features when buying one to avoid overpaying or getting something you don’t really need. 

Extras like door ice and water dispenser can drive the price of the appliance up and they could actually not end up working for your particular situation. Consider all facts before jumping into a refrigerator choice just because it’s popular.

What to consider when choosing a refrigerator with an external water dispenser 


  • To have a refrigerator with an ice or water dispenser you will need to install more plumbing. Consider if this is possible in your kitchen space and even if you want to do this work at all. 
  • Did you know that the ice dispensing capabilities of a refrigerator affect the freezer strength? Well, now you know. Another aspect to consider especially if you have a preference for frozen food or keeping the freezer full and working at max capacity.
  • Having these water and ice dispersers will definitely reduce the space you have in your freezer. That loss of space might no be convenient in the long run for your home.
  • The water you get from your dispenser might not be the best quality. If you already need to filter your water regularly then you will need to get a refrigerator with added filtration features. If you don’t you could be compromising the quality of the water you drink. Could be better off with bottled water or another filtered option. 
  • Even if you have a clean source of water filtration may be needed to prevent sediment from blocking the water dispensation system. 


  • It’s an easy to use plus comfortable water and ice source 
  • Hvaing this dispensing system can help prevent spills of water 
  • The water and ice dispenser could potentially improve the energy efficiency of the refrigerator use since you won’t need to open the doors as much.
  • It can also reduce the amount of wasted water.

Now you have more information to make a decision on whether a refrigerator with a water/ice dispensation system is the right choice for your home. 

Maydone will offer you the best service and installation no matter what you pick! 

The Complete Guide to Defrosting your Freezer

Defrosting your freezer is a task you are most people are hoping to avoid as long as possible but doing so has real consequences on your appliance. So, let’s get this tedious chore out of the way with the help of the complete guide to defrosting your freezer by Maydone. 

If you aren’t convinced yet that you have to do this take a quick look at what can happen if you don’t defrost your freezer regularly: 

  1. Your appliance will lose cooling power.
  2. The freezer will have to work harder to cool, meaning more energy spending.  
  3. Some of your food can over freeze which is a hassle you don’t want to experience. 
  4. Depending on the model it can cause damage to the appliance. 
  5. Defrosting can extend the utility time of your freezer.

Ready? Let’s defrost that freezer

If you have a new, fancy model you most likely have an automatic defrost setting on your freezer. If you don’t know where it is, consult your appliance’s manual. Then just find it and activate it!

What you’ll need?

  1. Cleaning rag 
  2. Cleaning spray 
  3. Hose and fan (optional)

How do you manually defrost a freezer?

  • Turn off the freezer and unplug it. 
  • Empty all contents from the freezer. 
  • Remove the drawer and ice trays.
  • Find the freezer drain plugs and open them, you can use the garden hose to guide the water outside. Or put a bucket in the drain to collect the water.  
  • Leave the freezer open for a few hours until the ice has melted away. 
  • Clean the freezer. 
  • Plug it in
  • Wait until it cools 
  • Put all the drawers and food back inside 

You’re done!

Pro defrosting tip

You can use a fan and aim it at the freezer to speed up the process. It will push out the cold air and cause the ice to melt quicker. 

How often should you defrost a freezer?

Maydone recommends you take into account how much you use this appliance and the state of the frosting, if it accumulates a lot you should do it often. If not then once or twice a year will be enough for it to keep working properly.

Top 3 Refrigerators of 2020

Refrigerators are an integral piece of a kitchen, they hold most of the food and keep it fresh to consume, so choosing the right one can be a bit of a hassle, especially with all the choices available today, that why it helps to know the top refrigerators of 2020. 

Yeah there’s a ranking for refrigerators, there’s even more than 5 different categories of them, to keep it simple there’s only going to be 3 in this list, and they are all at the top of their game: 

  1. Top Overall: taking into consideration price, capabilities, and looks.
  2. Best Counter Depth: this is an increasingly popular trend that might interest you. 
  3. Standout Modern: all the bells and whistle in fridge tech. 

Top Overall – GE 25.3 cu. ft. Side-by-Side 

A solid first choice for any home, it will probably look good in your kitchen, has a great functioning system, and sufficient capacity. 

If you want to get a top refrigerator with a good budget this is a great choice. 

Best Counter-Depth – Samsung Counter Depth French Door

Counter-depth appliances in your kitchen can get you the stylish, spacious, and modern look you want. 

This Samsung model is a refrigerator that does that for you, it can connect to your wifi and smartphone. 

Standout Modern – Samsung – 27.8 cu. ft. 4-Door French Door

It has everything, well almost, but you can certainly enjoy the: 

  • FlexZone Drawers that can turn form fridge to freezer 
  • Food Showcase 
  • Fingerprint Resistance Door 
  • Child’s Lock 
  • Plenty Of Space 
  • And More!

Once you’ve got your top refrigerator remember to call Maydone for a safe, professional installation! 

How Often Should You Clean Your Appliances

Looking for an easy way to make sure your appliances stay in good shape and help avoid costly repairs? Here it is, just by keeping track of how often you should clean your appliances, you can prevent some damage and wear from happening. 


This appliance is one of the trickiest because it holds food and that can get very messy. Here are some tips to keep this appliance clean:

  • Wipe door handles daily to prevent bacteria build-up
  • Cleans spills and messes immediately 
  • Get rid off expired items every week 
  • Do a deep clean every 2-3 months; take all drawers and food out for this one


To clean this appliance use a mix of vinegar and hot water, let it run through a cycle empty, then go over the stubborn spots with a cloth.  

Washing Machine & Dryer 

Unless you have a particularly dirty load your washing machine should be cleaned once a month. 

The same goes for your dryer, expect you should clean this appliance’s filter after every load, to keep your clothes fresh and clean. 

Cooktop & Oven 

Appliances used for cooking are more likely to get dirty so expect to clean these two more often than the rest. 

The best way to clean your cooktop is after using it, just make it a habit and save yourself a lot of work in the future. 

Oven’s can last a bit longer without cleaning but take care of spills immediately and depending on how much you use this appliance clean it every 2-3 months. 


Because this one also depends on how much you use it, so if you make the most out of your microwave then clean this appliance once a week. 

For the tips on how to clean the rest of the small appliances look here

We Take Care Of The Big Messes 

Remember you can always call Maydone for repairs 24/7 and installations done right!

3 Benefits Of Appliance Maintenance

Why should you take care of your appliances or why fix broken appliances instead of just getting a new one? Here are 3 benefits of appliance maintenance. 

You Save Money 

Of course, there’s a lot of deals and some cheap appliances out there, but ultimately you get what you pay for. 

It’s always best to fix a good machine and save money than to get a cheap new one and end up spending more in the long run. 

The top benefit of appliance maintenance is the bottom dollar you’ll save by fixing instead of just replacing. 

It’s More Eco-Friendly 

It creates less waste to save a broken machine than to toss and get a new one, so consider that benefit of appliance maintenance the next time you want to go green

Having maintenance on your appliances also prevents them from over suing water, electricity and other resources, so it also saves up on bills!

No Need To Re-Learn The Tricks

Once you get used to a machine it can be hard to say goodbye, you have your favourite setting and know how to get things done just the right way, a benefit of appliance maintenance is that you don’t need to throw all that away.

Get your appliance maintenance and all its benefits with Maydone, for all the GTA area! 

3 Things To Look For In A New Appliance

If you are in the market for a new fridge, washing machine or other appliance, here are 3 things to look for before you get it.

A Good Warranty 

Something can always go wrong with an appliance, its why Maydone is here, so you need to make sure yours has a good warranty. 

It’s one of the main things to look for in a new appliance because it saves you time and money when you need it the most. 

When you have a good warranty, at least for a few years, you can get it replaced for free or at least fix it at no cost.

Great Reviews 

When you are looking for a new appliance remember to go through the reviews it has, this helps determine if it’s actually good. 

Testimonials from real users tell it like it is, pointing what good and bad from the appliance. 

A great way to see if an appliance is right for your home.

Eco-friendly Mode 

This is good for the environment and your bills, green mode add functionally to appliances. 

Don’t forget to look for this when shopping and you’ll be doing yourself and the earth a favor. 

There you go, 3 things to look for in a new appliance, now get ready to shop!

3 Common Range Hood Problems And How To Fix Them

Your range hood keeps your kitchen fresh and smoke-free, it’s an often overlooked but super helpful appliances, so don’t miss there 3 common range hood problems and how to fix them. 

Range hoods are especially important in the summer months since they help control the heat when you cook. Because they get rid of the hot, annoying smoke. 

Here are some quick fixes for the 3 most common range hood problems:

1. Range Hood won’t Turn On

You’ll need to check the circuit breakers to see if any have been tripped and reverse that so that it will turn on. 

Another place to check it where the range hood is plugged in if the outlet has blown or it’s not working. 

If none of this works it might be time to call in the professionals at Maydone! 

2. Strange Noises Inside The Range Hood

This is one of the most common range hood problems and quite an annoying one too.

No one wants the noise to minimize the benefits of cooking

Check your hood for any debris that might have been sucked in and left there, loose screws or parts. 

If you don’t observe anything and the rattling continues, call an expert.

3. Range Hood Light Not Turning On

Another common range hood problem, one that can go unnoticed, especially if the fan is still working. 

You’ll probably need to change the lightbulb.

If this doesn’t work check to see if the writing is still intact and call someone to replace it if not. 

You’ve blown past 3 common range hood problems and how to fix them.

Now you are ready to master the kitchen again! 

How to Fix 3 Common Refrigerator Problems

The fridge is one of the most essentials appliances in a home, so you’ll benefit greatly from knowing how to fix 3 common refrigerator problems. 

Even after you get the right fridge you’ll need to learn how to fix minor issues on your own. 

No matter what kind of fridge you have there common problems with the same solution you can always use. 

For these fixes you’ll need some basic tools and very little extra materials: 

Fridge not cooling enough 

This is one of the most common refrigerator problems and a very significant one, here are something you can do to fix it:

  • Clean out your fridge, less stuff more cool air 
  • Increase the cooling level
  • Check air compressor and clear the dust for better airflow

Doors Not Closing 

This common refrigerator problem can cause the inside not to cool and food to go bad, so tend to it quickly to avoid those issues. 

For this problem you can:

  • Check if any time is in the way when closing the door
  • Clean door rubber or replace them 

Leaking Fridge 

This refrigerator problem can be annoying and even dangerous. 

To prevent further leaking try:

  • Cleaning out the drain pan and tube
  • Leveling the fridge 
  • Checking the water filter, and water hose 

All done 

There you go, easy fixes for 3 common refrigerator problems.

And for anything you cant do you have Maydone by your side!

3 Common Oven Problems and How to Fix Them

An oven is a key tool for homemakers, saving time in the kitchen, and making amazing desserts happen, so take a look at 3 common oven problems and how to fix them, right here!

1. Oven not Heating Up 

The top common oven problems and here’s how to fix it, depending on what kind of appliance you have:

For gas ovens: you’ll need to check the igniter first and see if it needs replacing, so you can get that new piece to change it. If that doesn’t work it could another piece that is malfunctioning. 

For electric ovens: check if coils are heating or turning red, first try by replacing the heating elements if they are not working before moving on to other causes. 

These first steps are easy for beginners but if you have doubts just call Maydone, and lest us handle it! 

2. Heating at Wrong Temperatures

No use having an oven you can trust, or any appliance, from bread to brownies you need to control the heat to get it right. 

Why this could be happening:

  • Your temperature sensor is not working correctly, so it read the wrong number and messes up your meals, makes sure it’s not in contact with the oven walls and replace if need.
  • Faulty ignition for gas models 
  • Malfunctioning heating in electric ovens  
  • It needs calibration (if none of the above fits)

3. Uneven Heat

First, test out the heating situation by preheating the oven and seeing if all parts are turned on and if the temperature sensor is measuring as it should. 

Another thing that could be happening is that you need to learn the trick of your oven, as some just have a particular way of cooking. 

There you go 3 oven problems and 3 fixes!

3 Easy homemade detergent alternatives

For those days where you forget to go to the store, and for those who are leaning toward a more green way of life, here are 3 easy homemade detergent alternatives you can make on your own. 

There are a lot of benefits to making your own detergent alternatives:

  • You can control what in it
  • Pick your own scent or leave it plain 
  • Saves money 
  • Help the environment 
  • It’s a fun family project 

The fast powder

A great and very fast homemade detergent alternative you can make in about 5 min. 

What you’re going to need 

  • 1 bar of soap (you can choose your scent here) 
  • 3 ¼ cups of borax
  • 3 ¼ cups of washing soda 

How you do it

Save down the bar of soap and stir together with the rest of the ingredients for 15 min, you can also use a food processor or blender to make a finer powder. 

Store in a tightly sealed container and wash away! 

Liquid clean 

Get these 

  • 1 cup Eco Nuts* berries (approx. 2 oz)
  • 4 cups Water
  • 1/2 cup Vinegar (natural preservative)

Do this

Measure and mix in a big pot, let ingredients reach a boil, and then reduce the heat to medium-low. Squash the nuts so they mix with the rest of the ingredients. 

Cover and leave for half an hour, after that take the cover off and let sit in low heat for another 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. 

Turn heat off and with a mesh strainer move mix into a glass container to let cool. 

Store away your homemade detergent alternative until needed. 

Gel mix 

You need

  • 1 soap bar 
  • 2 cups washing soda
  • 2 cups borax powder
  • Essential oils for scent (optional) 

And then

Grate the bar of soap and put in a pot, add 1 litre of boiling water to the pot, put it in medium-high heat and let it melt together 

Add 3 more liters of water, and mix in the washing soda and borax, after it has dissolved let it rest overnight.

Break any clots you find the next day and add your favorite essential oil to your homemade detergent alternative for a great smell! 

For extra washing machine care call Maydone, for 24/7 emergency repairs, installations, and most appliance needs!