How Often Should You Clean Your Appliances

How Often Should You Clean Your Appliances

Looking for an easy way to make sure your appliances stay in good shape and help avoid costly repairs? Here it is, just by keeping track of how often you should clean your appliances, you can prevent some damage and wear from happening. 


This appliance is one of the trickiest because it holds food and that can get very messy. Here are some tips to keep this appliance clean:

  • Wipe door handles daily to prevent bacteria build-up
  • Cleans spills and messes immediately 
  • Get rid off expired items every week 
  • Do a deep clean every 2-3 months; take all drawers and food out for this one


To clean this appliance use a mix of vinegar and hot water, let it run through a cycle empty, then go over the stubborn spots with a cloth.  

Washing Machine & Dryer 

Unless you have a particularly dirty load your washing machine should be cleaned once a month. 

The same goes for your dryer, expect you should clean this appliance’s filter after every load, to keep your clothes fresh and clean. 

Cooktop & Oven 

Appliances used for cooking are more likely to get dirty so expect to clean these two more often than the rest. 

The best way to clean your cooktop is after using it, just make it a habit and save yourself a lot of work in the future. 

Oven’s can last a bit longer without cleaning but take care of spills immediately and depending on how much you use this appliance clean it every 2-3 months. 


Because this one also depends on how much you use it, so if you make the most out of your microwave then clean this appliance once a week. 

For the tips on how to clean the rest of the small appliances look here

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Remember you can always call Maydone for repairs 24/7 and installations done right!