What is the best washer and dryer combination for your home

What is the best washer and dryer combination for your home

There are always doubts when choosing new or renovating appliances, so let’s discover what is the best washing machine dryer combination for you home, right here. 

Getting a washer and dryer is a big investment and an important one for any home because you want it to last, get the job done without issues. 

There is a lot to consider to make sure the choice fits physically and logically to your needs, space, and home. 

Here’s what to consider when choosing your washer and dryer combination

All-in-one vs Washer Dryer Combo  

Space is one of the biggest issues for most people, if you live in a small space consider getting an all-in-one washer and dryer option. 

Take measurements, imagine the comfort, and use issues when scoping out choices. 

Is it manageable, will it take too much room from other things, because you can save space and still get functionality by asking yourself all of these before buying? 

Front vs Top Load 

This one is all about comfort and easy use, we suggest you test it out in person because it’s the only real way to know. 

A big aspect to consider because you don’t want to have to reach uncomfortably for your clothes on every wash.

Remember the washer and dryer has to work for you and washing is already one of the most hated chores in the home.  

Features vs More Features 

This is up to personal taste, what rocks your washing: high tech, eco-friendly, cool looks, etc. 

There’s plenty of choices available, get the one that makes sense for your home in the long run and call Maydone to install it. 

Stackable vs Side by Side 

One of the most significant choices you make at the time of purchasing. 

It comes down to what fits in the space you have for the washer dryer combo, that’s it. 

Does it fit? Look good? Is it easy to access? Answer these affirmatively and you’re done!

Meet the Washer and Dryer Combo Experts 

Maydone is here for your washer dryer needs, call today!