How to change your home air filter?

tips to change your heater air filter

Most of us want to make the most out of our heating system’s, especially during the cold winter months, there are a few tried and tested ways you can do this, like changing your air filter.

A clean filter could greatly improve the efficiency of your heating system while keeping your the air in your home pure and clean 

Here’s how you can do it:

1. Turn off your heating

To prevent your unit from turning on while you are changing the filter or any type of loose debris or filter fitting from ending up in the wrong duct or place.

For maximum safety, you could completely disconnect the system from power. 

2. Find your filter

To locate your filter there are two options:

The first and most sensible would be to check on the manual that came with the system, the manual will also tell you what kind and size filter you will need. 

If you can’t find the manual, you’ll see that most air filters are located in either the blower compartment (remove the furnace cover, typically by lifting up), or built into the metal ductwork before the blower fan.

3. Get the right filter

Filters can sometimes be hosed or rinsed off, while other heaters have one-use fiberglass filters, most can easily be found in hardware and improvement stores, where you can take the old filter and ask for the same one.  Also, you can always check your brand’s model online to be completely sure of what type of filter you will need. 

4. Remove the old filter

Remember according to your system you will either need to replace or wash it. Make note of the “airflow arrows” on the filter, so you can mimic the position when you install the clean filter. 

Extra tip: Filters come with MERV rating, which is a specific efficiency measure. Most would recommend a MERV rating between 7-12 for the best cost/allergen removal balance.

5. Insert clean filter

Following the direction arrows, you saw before, install the new filter with the same position as the old one. 

6. Turn on your heating

That’s it, you are done!

A clean filter will make the air in your home healthier, the heating more evenly distributed and protect your system from malfunctions. 

If you need help with your heating system, you can count on Maydone’s professional service 24/7. Let’s stay warm together!

Let’s stay warm together!