Top 3 Fixes For A Dishwasher That’s Not Draining

Top 3 Fixes For A Dishwasher That’s Not Draining

A dishwasher is one of the best appliances you can have in your kitchen. That’s why it’s such a pain when it breaks down, and if it is nor draining it can be an especially annoying problem, here are the top 3 fixes for a dishwasher that’s not draining. 

Clear Your Air Gap 

A lot of dishwashers use the Air Gap system to prevent the used and dirty water from returning once the cycle is finished, if this system is interrupted the dishwasher can’t drain properly. 

  1. The first thing to fix this dishwasher draining problem is fiding your air gap, it’s usually a small cylinder sitting by your faucet. 
  1. Then check for clogs by removing the top and pulling it up, depending on the design you’ll have to either unscrew or release to clean the debris inside. 
  1. Putting back together and try running your dishwasher! 

Unclog Your Drain Hose

This dishwasher drain fix is very straight forward, in order to drain the water it uses your dishwasher needs a hose, sometimes that mechanism can become clogged with food and other nasty stuff. 

The clog is more likely located at the drain connection under your sink:

  1. Carefully disconnect the hose from the air gap, drain, or garbage disposal. 
  2. Clean thoroughly 
  3. Connect and wash!

If you’d rather keep you hand clean off this dishwasher mess just call Maydone! 

Check Drain Hose Integrity 

Sometimes that water hose used to drain can become bent or damaged in some way. A quick dishwasher solution is to follow the path of the hose and check for those problems. 

You only need to restore the flow and done!