Tips For Setting Up Your Laundry Space

Then read up on these tips for setting up your laundry space just right

Whether you have a big or small home organizing is the best way to make the most of it, if you want to make your washing more effective then take these tips for setting up your laundry room into consideration. 

Stack It Up 

Having your washing machine and dryer stacked done on top of the other saves a lot of room, this is especially helpful for smaller houses or apartments

Remember, it can be difficult for shorter people or those with disabilities, so take that into consideration when you decide whether to stack them or not. 

Staking up the washer and dryer can be one of the most effective tips for setting up your laundry space 

Put Up Shelves Or Roll Them 

Another top tip for your laundry space is to have all your needs, like washing machine detergents and fabric softener, on a shelf. 

That way you can just reach out for them when you are putting in a load and store them immediately. If you don’t have space on the wall to place the self, consider getting a rolling one, that you can put away in a nearby closet after use. 

Get Hampers

This tip for your laundry space makes everything look better, you can organize both your dirty and clean laundry, you can even have individual hampers for each member of the family for even more order. 

There you go, now you have all the top tips for setting up your laundry space, and for repair and installation, you can count on Maydone!