Most useful appliances for your home

The best and most useful appliances for home

So you might be filling a new home with useful appliances or looking to revamp your current ones with better gadgets.

Appliances are one of the most important parts of a home, they can make life much easier and any home more complete. 

Here’s an uncomplicated guide of the must-have appliances for a home: 


If the kitchen is the heart of the home, then food is the heartbeat, so a fridge is going to be an incredibly important part of your home. There are plenty of choices from high tech to no-frills, and surely you will find the right one for you. 

Also, don’t forget to check out our very own DIY fridge problem-solving tips


This one could be one of the best home appliances ever. Being able to just load up dirty dishes and leave them to clean, has saved time for families all around the globe. 

Consider investing in one with an eco-friendly option, and all green appliances for your home, to reduce your carbon footprint, and choose wisely according to the size of your washing, remember if you have doubts then let the installation be handled by experts like Maydone. 

Washing Machine

Another appliance that you will find necessary for your home. Consider getting second-hand ones, if you are budget constrained, we can handle the installation.

Having the possibility to clean your clothes at hand is super useful for anyone looking to start a new home, you can go the extra mile and get the dryer combo as well. 


This little powerhouse appliance can save you tons of time for cooking, rescue cold food or make some killer popcorn. 

When you are in a hurry to eat or get something hot, you’ll be glad you have this at home!

Stove and oven

It goes without saying, but we thought we would say it, either way, you need to have a stove/cooktop and an oven.

For cooking, baking, and making your kitchen come alive. 

You have all the choices to take your pick for these useful appliances, and for installation and repair there’s Maydone, call us here +1 (647)-558-5825| +1 (888) 513-0052