How to choose the best color for your appliances?

How to choose the best color for your appliances?

Getting a new appliance can be fun now! Yup, that’s right. Changing your appliances comes in all colors now thanks to customers’ demands and an adapting industry looking to make itself more personal. Now, you can go beyond white and grey when selecting your appliances. Which is great, but it also leads to the question of what appliance color is best for my home? 

Given the cost of new appliances you certainly hope that they will last for a long time, so consider that when choosing some of the most bold colors out there, also keep in mind other factors like the decoration of the rest of the house, etc. 

Let’s get started with picking the color of your appliance

Does it match your home?

Because appliance are usually out and visible, if you do want to go for the more colorful tipe you will need to make sure it matches the general decor of your home. 

Here are some tips for getting a color match: 

  1. Use complementary colors 
  2. Use opposites on the color wheel 
  3. Create a palate with a theme, for example: tropical or mediterranean
  4. Choose a central piece and match with that, for example: a large painting or rug 
  5. Muted walls or decor and bring color with the appliance 

There are many option to make your new colorful appliance fit right into your home, becoming a more stylish addition than you ever thought before because of all the possibilities available now.

Decision making 

This one is tough because if you are planning on going with a color appliance, please remember to ask other members of the house what they think of the choice. Avoid discussion and other misunderstandings by making the decision together as a unit. 

Color and stock 

Another important detail to keep in mind when shopping for colorful appliances is that color specific ones may go out of stock more often and those personalized color details could be a bit more difficult to replace in case of repairs to the appliance. It won’t be impossible to find, but they might take a few more days. 

Changing home purposes 

If you have future plans to rent or sell your home, then you might fare better with the standard finishes on appliances. The regular silver touch lets prospective buyers or renters imagine the space as their own more easily. While personalized or not common colors on appliances could turn them away from your home.