What To Do When Your Appliances Stop Working?

Appliances are one part of any home, they make everyday tasks easier to manage and sometimes are necessary for living for example having heating during winter or a cold fridge to store your food. So, it is a big deal when they suddenly or gradually break down. You can always call Maydone for 24/7 repairs in the Greater Toronto Area, but there are also other tricks you can try. 

Unplug and reset

Turning an appliance on and off can seem like a basic tip but it often works, sometimes we overwork the appliances and the machinery needs to cool and restart in order to work properly again. This can work in cases where the appliances are hot and powered off or even smoke came of it. Turn it off, unplug, let it sit, and try to restart after a few hours. 

Check Your Appliance Manual 

Before calling the experts take a look at your appliance’s manual, it can provide a clue on what to do about your particular problem. You could save yourself a headache by just glimpsing in there to see if you can solve the issue on your own. That’s why it’s important to keep those documents even after you’ve been using the appliance for a while, you never know when you might need it again. It helps to keep all manual organized in one place. 

Look For Answers Online 

There are a ton of online resources for fixing minor appliance problems from tutorials to guides and, even forums that can be helpful. There are some key ground rules to follow when taking this route:

  1. Make sure the tips apply to your brand and model appliance 
  2. Use the correct tools for repairing 
  3. Only do what you are comfortable with 
  4. Use original replacements 
  5. Look for help when you needed it 

Get The Right Kind Help 

If you do end up choosing to get someone more experienced to look at and fix your appliance make sure you get the right people for the job. What to take into consideration for your choice?

  • They are professional technicians 
  • They work with your appliance brand
  • Check their online reviews
  • They work with original parts 
  • They offer a warranty 

Trear Your Appliances With Care

After you get your problem fix to remember to take care of your appliances. It doesn’t require much: cleaning it, using it properly, and fixing issues correctly!

Laundry tips that can help alleviate your allergies

Allergies are a common affliction for many people. So, it’s normal that those that have them or know someone that does are always looking for ways to prevent or alleviate their effects. Did you know there are ways in which your laundry can help with that?

That’s right, doing your laundry in a certain way can help reduce the frequency of flare-ups in your allergies or at the least cut down the strength of the allergies. 

Here are some laundry tips that can help with your allergies 

Dust Mite control with washing 

Dust mites are one of the main causes of allergies and even asthma. This minuscule creeper and its droppings cause a lot of trouble in your home where they can rest on fabrics of couches, sheets, and other household fibers. The good news is you can get rid of them by washing sheets, comforters, and other items frequently in hot water. For the fabrics you can’t wash use an allergen sanitizer spray or vacuum.

Keep mold and mildew out of your laundry room and closets 

These two are definitely enemies of all homes, not just because of allergies but many other problems that come with their presence. 

To avoid having mold or mildew in your home and laundry room: 

Keep your washer and dryer clean 

These appliances work with water, dirty fabrics, and detergents so they get dirty, more than you can imagine. 

Here’s what you can do:

  • Clean your dryer lint filter after every load 
  • Clean your dryer filters often 
  • Wipe the inside of your dryer drum 
  • Use the cleaning cycle of your washing machine or do a no clothes cycle using hot water add vinegar/washing machine cleaner every month or two weeks, depending on how much you use it.
  • Clean the door of the appliance 
  • As a general use, if the washing machine, dryer, or laundry room starts to smell is time to clean and check for a leak.
  • Always clean the washing machine after using it to clean outdoor or pet items. 

Use hypoallergenic detergents or natural ones 

A very straightforward suggestion is to choose hypoallergenic detergents to use on your fabrics to reduce allergies or natural chemical-free options.

The ultimate guide to eco-friendly and efficient use of heating appliances in your home

The passing of winter makes heating necessary and frequently used appliances in many homes, and with it concerns on how to best use it. There are a few tips that can help to get the most in terms of cost and heat from your equipment.

Your home can have any of the appliances or heating systems: 

  • Furnace
  • Central heating radiators
  • Fireplace 
  • Electric space heaters 
  • Heat pumping mini-splits 
  • Wood burning furnace 
  • Oil Radiator Heater
  • Furnace Gas Heater
  • Boiler Heater
  • Unvented Gas Heater
  • Water heart (with a tank or tankless) 

All of these even though different can be used more efficiently by just accepting a few changes and habits. 

So, what can you do to be cozy while not overusing your heating appliances? 

Use the sun 

Take advantage of natural warmth as much as possible, that means:

  • Opening drapes during sunny hours 
  • If possible opening windows as well 
  • When you are working from home try to follow the sun when it’s out, that way you are always at the natural warmers room always and can avoid turning on the heating system

Repair your heating appliances 

Making sure that your heating appliances and systems are working properly by having professionals assess them is key, why?

  • You avoid wasting energy on a system that is not working 
  • Prevent further damage to the appliance 
  • Saves you time and money 

The importance of windows and doors 

Windows and doors are the biggest culprits of heat loss in any home because they literary let the warmth of your home escape. How to prevent this loss?

  • Check your window and door frames for possible heat loss cracks to fill and insulate them 
  • Use clear covers or tape on the inside of your windows for more insulations 
  • Replace windows with more durable frames and glass options 

Control the thermostat

Having control over the thermostat is a privilñege and huge responsibility, this little factor determines smooch of how much and how well you spend energy heating your home. Here’s what you can do to master the thermostat use.

  • Use the timer so that it turns off or on fter a certain time. You can have a warmer home in the morning and prevent excess energy waste when you are tucked in at night. 
  • Turn it off when you are not home. 
  • Activate app control if you can. This way you can control from wherever you are. 
  • If you have a heat pump system or no thermostat control then just set a timer for it to turn off after a few hours, the heat will remain and you will be saving on your spending.

For homes with fireplaces: 

  • Read up on how to use your damper for maximizing the efficiency of the heat 
  • Use quality wood 
  • Keep an eye on your fire
If you are still having cold feet over all of these just check in with the pros at Maydone for more advice and appliance help.

The pros and cons of getting a refrigerator with an external water dispenser

A new refrigerator means a hefty investment for any homeowner. The more advanced and high-tech refrigerators have become the more expensive they’ve gotten. So, you must take into consideration all extra features when buying one to avoid overpaying or getting something you don’t really need. 

Extras like door ice and water dispenser can drive the price of the appliance up and they could actually not end up working for your particular situation. Consider all facts before jumping into a refrigerator choice just because it’s popular.

What to consider when choosing a refrigerator with an external water dispenser 


  • To have a refrigerator with an ice or water dispenser you will need to install more plumbing. Consider if this is possible in your kitchen space and even if you want to do this work at all. 
  • Did you know that the ice dispensing capabilities of a refrigerator affect the freezer strength? Well, now you know. Another aspect to consider especially if you have a preference for frozen food or keeping the freezer full and working at max capacity.
  • Having these water and ice dispersers will definitely reduce the space you have in your freezer. That loss of space might no be convenient in the long run for your home.
  • The water you get from your dispenser might not be the best quality. If you already need to filter your water regularly then you will need to get a refrigerator with added filtration features. If you don’t you could be compromising the quality of the water you drink. Could be better off with bottled water or another filtered option. 
  • Even if you have a clean source of water filtration may be needed to prevent sediment from blocking the water dispensation system. 


  • It’s an easy to use plus comfortable water and ice source 
  • Hvaing this dispensing system can help prevent spills of water 
  • The water and ice dispenser could potentially improve the energy efficiency of the refrigerator use since you won’t need to open the doors as much.
  • It can also reduce the amount of wasted water.

Now you have more information to make a decision on whether a refrigerator with a water/ice dispensation system is the right choice for your home. 

Maydone will offer you the best service and installation no matter what you pick! 

Wall Oven or Range Oven?

Every home should have an oven, this sturdy and traditional appliance is a staple of the home because of its versatility and time-saving advantages. You can just place a meal to cook and relax while the oven takes care of most (all) of it, plus some recipes will require you to have one for example baking, turkeys and many more delicious dishes. 

When you are planning the layout of your kitchen or a renewal of your appliance it serves to ask what will fit your home better: a wall oven or a range oven? To answer this question we are going to take a look at the most important aspects of choosing a big home appliance, in this case, an oven.  


Wall Oven: tends to be a bit expensive in general depending. Prices change depending on the brand, size, and other specifications. 

Range Oven: are cheaper plus they come with a range stove so it’s an excellent combo for the price. 

Winner: Range Oven

Power source and features

Wall Oven: most are electric and also have an electric display, which can be very high tech depending on the model.

Range Oven: they can be electric, gas-powered or dual fueled. You can even find ranges with double ovens, and other perks like warming drawers. 

Winner: Range Oven 


Wall Oven: They are sleeker looking and can come in a great variety of styles.

Range Oven: They is a lot of different styles that can complement your kitchen, 

Winner: Tie


Wall Oven: They can come in single or double offering options according to what you need.

Range Oven: They come in standard widths of 24-, up to 60-inches offering options according to what you need.

Winner: Tie

Repairs and Maintenance 

Oven Wall: Not the easiest to repair because of accessibility issues since they are built into the wall.

Range Oven: Easy to repair and maintain. 

Winner: Range Oven.

Choose wisely

The most important factors are the dimensions of your kitchen space, personal taste, and needs. Be sure to use professional installation to safeguard your investment and get to cooking in your brand new oven! 

How to Use your Dryer Properly

Having the possibility of clean, dry, and warm clothes at your fingertips is a great feeling. That’s what makes dryers so special, an appliance often overlooked and taken for granted, so Maydone has made a simple guide on how to use properly to keep them going as long as possible, check it out below. 

Start with the basics

These tips are for everyday use creating good habits around using the dryer, after you start implementing them and seeing the results in your dyer’s performance and how your clothes turn out, you’ll be wondering why you didn’t apply them before. 

  • Read the manual, this little booklet tells you all the secrets, setting, and shortcuts for getting the most out of your dryer. 
  • Read the clothing instructions too, most clothes come with tags that specify what kind of wash cycle they need. 
  • Avoid overloading the dryer, it make sit harder for clothes to dry and it pushed the appliance’s capabilities. 
  • Untangle clothes when you move them out of the washing machine, so they can dry separately in the dryer. 
  • Clean the filter after every load

For more advanced care

The recommendations below are things to consider in the long run, in term of maybe switch to a better dryer or what to do if yours is working properly: 

  • Get a more energy-efficient dryer, the useful life should be longer and you save on your electric bill. 
  • Clen the drum every 2-3 months.
  • Replace door, ground rubbers, etc. These pieces can have a lot of wear and tear so, change them to keep the appliance steady and working perfectly.
  • Have a professional checkup on the appliance every year. 
  • Get certified help when something goes wrong. 

If you take these into consideration when using your dryer not only can you make full use of the machine for as long as possible but get better results for your clothing. 

Top 3 Fixes For A Dishwasher That’s Not Draining

A dishwasher is one of the best appliances you can have in your kitchen. That’s why it’s such a pain when it breaks down, and if it is nor draining it can be an especially annoying problem, here are the top 3 fixes for a dishwasher that’s not draining. 

Clear Your Air Gap 

A lot of dishwashers use the Air Gap system to prevent the used and dirty water from returning once the cycle is finished, if this system is interrupted the dishwasher can’t drain properly. 

  1. The first thing to fix this dishwasher draining problem is fiding your air gap, it’s usually a small cylinder sitting by your faucet. 
  1. Then check for clogs by removing the top and pulling it up, depending on the design you’ll have to either unscrew or release to clean the debris inside. 
  1. Putting back together and try running your dishwasher! 

Unclog Your Drain Hose

This dishwasher drain fix is very straight forward, in order to drain the water it uses your dishwasher needs a hose, sometimes that mechanism can become clogged with food and other nasty stuff. 

The clog is more likely located at the drain connection under your sink:

  1. Carefully disconnect the hose from the air gap, drain, or garbage disposal. 
  2. Clean thoroughly 
  3. Connect and wash!

If you’d rather keep you hand clean off this dishwasher mess just call Maydone! 

Check Drain Hose Integrity 

Sometimes that water hose used to drain can become bent or damaged in some way. A quick dishwasher solution is to follow the path of the hose and check for those problems. 

You only need to restore the flow and done!

How to Fix 3 Common Refrigerator Problems

The fridge is one of the most essentials appliances in a home, so you’ll benefit greatly from knowing how to fix 3 common refrigerator problems. 

Even after you get the right fridge you’ll need to learn how to fix minor issues on your own. 

No matter what kind of fridge you have there common problems with the same solution you can always use. 

For these fixes you’ll need some basic tools and very little extra materials: 

Fridge not cooling enough 

This is one of the most common refrigerator problems and a very significant one, here are something you can do to fix it:

  • Clean out your fridge, less stuff more cool air 
  • Increase the cooling level
  • Check air compressor and clear the dust for better airflow

Doors Not Closing 

This common refrigerator problem can cause the inside not to cool and food to go bad, so tend to it quickly to avoid those issues. 

For this problem you can:

  • Check if any time is in the way when closing the door
  • Clean door rubber or replace them 

Leaking Fridge 

This refrigerator problem can be annoying and even dangerous. 

To prevent further leaking try:

  • Cleaning out the drain pan and tube
  • Leveling the fridge 
  • Checking the water filter, and water hose 

All done 

There you go, easy fixes for 3 common refrigerator problems.

And for anything you cant do you have Maydone by your side!

The best way to organize your fridge

Order in your refrigerator can save you money and time, better preserving your food, in the right place so you know exactly where everything is, take a look at the best ways to organize your fridge. 

Clean it out

The best way to start organizing your fridge is to clean it out because you probably have things in there that shouldn’t be there (happens all the time). 

When you clean your refrigerator out you make more room for the cold air to flow and stay, keeping other food cold, also the fridge won’t have to work as hard to keep things at temperature and you save on electricity. 


Dividing the content of your fridge is going to be key in organizing it, separate everything into specific types and give them their own space, here’s a way that might work for you from top to bottom:

  • Leftover / Ready to eat (like yogurt)
  • Vegetables and fruits 
  • Meat and Fish 
  • Sauces, juice 

You can look at your fridge manual to see an indication of where to put certain food, but this layout can work for most fridges, and use the compartment to separate it. 

Shop smart

This isn’t only one of the best ways to organize your fridge, shopping smart also help you keep it that way, knowing that what you are buying will be used. 

Shop consciously, getting food that will be eaten so you don’t have a surplus littering your fridge and can save money on groceries. 

Extra tips:

  • Put everything back in the same place 
  • Separate according to fridge users when sharing space 
  • Clean routinely 
  • For anything that goes wrong, you have Maydone!

How to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint at Home

Are you aware of the carbon footprint that comes from using your appliances at home? Here are some tips on how you can decrease your energy consumption in your household.

When we’re talking about climate change, we all have one question lined up: How can we contribute to saving the planet from a climate catastrophe?

As we all know, there are many ways of reducing our carbon footprint. For example, we can try to avoid traveling by plane and take the train as often as possible. Furthermore, we can eat less meat and try to buy regional and seasonal groceries. But how can we decrease our carbon footprint in the household?

As we are living in the 21st, we all have appliances at home that consume energy. As helpful as they are, these appliances leave a carbon footprint as well. But we have some tips for you on how you can decrease their energy usage easily.

1. Make Your Heater More Efficient

Did you know that the oil and gas industry is the biggest emitter in Canada when it comes to carbon emissions? Of course, you can blame big companies for that and ask them to adapt to more sustainable fuel options. But it might be easier to start at your home first as also small changes in your own household can make a change  We already have put together some tips for you on how you can make your heater more efficient.

If you are noticing that your heating system uses a lot of energy, you can always contact one of our technicians. You’ll find the contact details here.

2. Turn Your Appliances Off to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

To reduce the carbon footprint of your appliances, you should make sure that all your appliances are completely turned off when they are not in use. This goes for TVs, stereos, and computers. It’s also important to unplug your appliances, such as mobile phones or laptops, once they are fully charged as they will otherwise waste energy.

Need help with the installation of a new washing machine? Our technicians are happy to help!

3. Switch to A Renewable Energy Provider

Around 17 % of Canada’s total primary energy supply comes from renewable energy sources. You can support green electricity and natural gas companies by switching the provider in your home. As this might be a bit pricier for your home than it was before, you could start by doing one thing at a time, for example by only purchasing green electricity at first.

4. Replace Old Appliances for a Lower Carbon Footprint

If you are a proud owner of a vintage washing machine, your time to say goodbye to your appliance might have come. Old appliances use a lot of energy and should, therefore, be replaced if you want to reduce your carbon footprint. A new washing machine can use 25 percent less energy up to 75 percent less water compared to your 20-year-old washing machine. Furthermore, by increasing appliance efficiency standards, you’ll not only save energy but also money on your utility bill.

5. Install Smart Home Technology

If your devices and appliances can connect to the internet, they are called smart technology. On the one hand, it can be convenient for you to have such things. On the other hand, they can help you with saving energy at home by monitoring the usage. Click here if you want to know more about it.